Frequently Asked Questions
What is this?
It's a template for making documentation!
Astro is incredible. They just released something called the Content Collections API which makes it super easy to work with markdown files in a typesafe manner. I found a way to make a table of contents for your documentation dynamically based only on the file structure of the "content" folder. I also made a component that will automatically generate a "On This Page" list of links to each heading on the page-- I used it on this page above. Along with a few reusable components for information and editing, I think this is a pretty good starting place for a documentation site. The only other tools used were Typescript and TailwindCSS.
How Do I Use This?
Just fork the repo!
Go on over to the GitHub repo and read the file. It's pretty simple. Here's the link!
Are you Awesome?
Yes, I think so.
You're pretty awesome in my book. This page is mostly here to show you that the heading component works on any page with H2's and ID's-- not just markdown.